Oh How I love your tiny fingers and tiny toes,
Oh How I adore your Bright sparkling eyes and your cute nose
Oh How I love to Hear your gurgles and your sighs,
Oh How I cherish your terribly cute smiles and giggles and laughs
Oh How I love your touch when I feed you and we exchange glances...

Life is changed when you came after your big sister ...
hectic, busier, sleepless nights....but that's ok
Every second passed with u is a real amazing righteous blessings from above...
Maisha Khan, even you came second and your loving sister; Rayna came first... but that's only statistic ..Purely numbers, purely statistic!

Yes Rayna was number One and you were number Two ...to come in this world...BUT you both are MY NUMBER ONES! and no one comes second in my heart, my life and my love....
I love you both as much....and sooo much!
Mama ...